3 Things: Data Analytics Highlights from December 2023

5th January 2024 . By Michael A

This month's '3 Things' blog post includes topics ranging from improvements to core visuals in Power BI to a deep dive into what Liquid Clustering is in Delta Lake, read on as we highlight three things for each of the three technology areas that you should be aware of from last month.

Power BI

  • The Power BI December 2023 update includes lots of great enhancement as usual, but something that especially caught our eye is that you now have more control over the styling of columns and bar charts. Learn more.

  • The recently introduced DAX query view has been extended with a host of new INFO DAX functions that enable you to get Dynamic Management View (DMV) information using DAX. Learn more.

  • Those of you who regularly work with Power BI paginated reports may have noticed a new ability to search and sort within your paginated reports. These are small but valuable enhancements to the interactive experiences in this type of Power BI report. Learn more.

Microsoft Fabric

  • The Microsoft Fabric team published the adoption roadmap, which provides you with guidance on the primary approaches and considerations for adopting Fabric in your organisation. Learn more.

  • Data warehouses in Microsoft Fabric support the ability to perform in-place restores which means you can restore your data warehouse to a previous state. There is a Microsoft Fabric blog post that deep dives into this capability and how you can use it . Learn more.

  • Microsoft Fabric Git integration and deployment pipelines now have support for Notebooks and Lakehouses. This is a welcome improvement that helps to simplify CI/CD practices. Learn more.

Azure Data and AI

  • The Azure AI offering was extended with public previews for Chat GPT-4 Turbo with Vision support as well as the ability to deploy Models as a Service for Llama 2 Learn more.

  • A recent Databricks blog post dives into the value that Unity Catalog bring from a governance perspective. It presents a number of 'value levers' that address the challenges typically associated with data governance. Learn more.

  • What is Delta Lake Liquid Clustering, and how does it differ from Z-ordering and other query optimisation methods in the lakehouse? This deep dive video will get you up to speed. Learn more.

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